Happy to be moving closer to "Him"
I finally got around to reading Joel's book. I must say that having read it, and having seen him on TV a few times, a person has to go out of their way to not like him. How can anyone do anything but benefit from Your Best Life Now? I thought his perspective was a good one, and his positive attitude refreshing. I believe the Lord wants us to think positive, and to pray for and expect good things. Life on earth will never be perfect, but with the Lord in the picture, it will certainly be better. This book, along with another winner I just finished, will help any of us to further develop a relationship with the Lord. The other book is Passenger's Side, by Forosisky. After my wife read both of these, and gave her two thumbs up to both, I followed suit. I'm glad I did. I'm learning more everyday.
I thank the Lord for the useful tools he provides to draw us closer to Him.
Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential