Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Weber 751001 22 1/2-Inch One-Touch Gold Charcoal Grill, Black

Originally uploaded by Kilburn_us.
Simply put, this is the best grill I have ever had...
Before purchasing this grill, I was a die-hard gas guy. I figured that the convenience factor of quick starts, easy clean ups and not having to constantly buy charcoal would be a fair trade for the taste of good charcoal cooking. What this Weber grill provides though is super even heat, few flare-ups, awesome taste and super easy clean ups via the ash pan and a few kicks to the side to drop the ash through the vent holes...the best of both worlds! I still have my gas grill though (which will be used for the occasional hot dog), but for real cooking, nothing will replace my charcoal grill, except perhaps another charcoal grill. All I need now is the chimney starter to complete my set! : Outdoor Living : Weber 751001 22 1/2-Inch One-Touch Gold Charcoal Grill, Black

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